Heart Box with 3 Filled Assorted Truffles

Heart Box with 3 Filled Assorted Truffles
Go straight for the heart with these delicious promotional giveaways. Whether a gift for your special someone on Valentine's Day or a playful a delicious way to say thank you to valued customers and employees, one thing is certain- everyone will love it! The 7 oz. heart shaped molded chocolate box is filled with 3 assorted truffles in a 2-piece gift box. Once the assorted truffles are devoured, you can eat the chocolate box too! Kosher certification available.
Made in USA

Imprint Type: Chocolate Mold
Setup Charge: $128.70(g)

Production Time: 3-5 Business Days
Below Min Charge: $45(V)
Absolute Min Order Qty: 25
Quantity per Package: 200 PIECE


Estimated 100% free and without obligation.

Step 1

  1. By clicking on the "ADD TO QUOTE" button, you create an estimate request to our sales department.

  2. With this application, you do not immediately buy the product or products included in the estimate.

  3. Enter the desired amount and then continue by clicking the "ADD TO QUOTE".
Qty 50 - 99 100 - 249 250 - 499 500+
Price (CAD) $ 27.91 $ 27.43 $ 27.10 $ 26.68