Skullcandy Jib Plus Bluetooth Earbuds

Skullcandy Jib Plus Bluetooth Earbuds
The Skullcandy Jib + Bluetooth Earbuds feature over six hours of playback time! The Jib + Bluetooth Earbuds are splash proof so you don't have to worry about wearing them in a rainstorm or during your intense workout. The built in music controls allow you to control the volume, track, and answer/reject calls. The custom speaker drivers deliver powerful audio and the noised isolating fit blocks out distractions. Micro USB Charging Cable, Stability Gels, Cable Clip, and S/M/L Eargels included. Cable Length 34"


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Qté 12-49 50-99 100-149 150-199 200+
Prix (CAD) 57,56 $ 55,29 $ 53,00 $ 50,71 $ 45,69 $
Qté 12-49 50-99 100-149 150-199 200+
Prix (USD) 35,26 $ 33,86 $ 32,46 $ 31,06 $ 27,99 $

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