Ophelia ballpoint pen/stylus with backlight

Ophelia ballpoint pen/stylus with backlight
Ophelia is more than just a pen/stylus, it's a light up pen with an illuminated backdrop to proudly show off your logo!
Laser engrave Ophelias matte metallic silver plastic barrel and with a firm press on the stylus, your branding will be illuminated by an inner light matching the color of the rubberized grip. (clear light with black grip.)
Push the side-action button to write with the surewrite low lead refill, or go paperless and tap away using the black rubber stylus. Either way your logo will shine.


Estimation 100% gratuite et sans engagement.

1 ère étape

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Qté 150+
Prix (CAD) 1,39 $
Qté 200+
Prix (USD) 1,19 $

Options de produit
