Mirage 3-in-1 clip-on mobile lens

Mirage 3-in-1 clip-on mobile lens
See the world in a whole new way and take your mobile photography to a whole new level! This clever clip on lens kit includes three interchangeable lenses for a variety of visual effects. Use the fisheye lens to create a hemispherical effect on your photo, use the wide-anglelens for increased panoramic range (great for group photos or landscapes) or use the macro lens to magnify close-ups. Like many little valuables, the mirage comes with a velvet travel pouch so there is no excuse not to bring it everywhere!
Please take a note that the wide angles lens and the macro lens are shipped in the velvet drawstring pouch attached together.


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Qté 75+
Prix (CAD) 5,49 $
Qté 100+
Prix (USD) 4,29 $

Options de produit
