Glacio ballpoint pen/stylus

Glacio ballpoint pen/stylus
You'll quickly get used to taking the Glacio around with you everywhere, simply for it's versatility. This is a reliable push-action heavyweight aluminum pen that leaves plenty of room for branding. With a long-lasting surewrite refill, this pen will be hanging around for a good while. Going more digital? That's fine too: flip it and use the capacitive stylus on the other end. How's that for versatile!


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Qté 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 2500-4999 5000+
Prix (CAD) 2,99 $ 2,89 $ 2,79 $ 2,69 $ 2,49 $
Qté 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 2500-4999 5000+
Prix (USD) 2,79 $ 2,69 $ 2,49 $ 2,39 $ 2,29 $

Options de produit
