Freedom Heat Seal Non-Woven Tote

Freedom Heat Seal Non-Woven Tote
The Freedom Heat Seal Non-Woven Tote has an open main compartment with a die-cut handle. Its heat-sealed construction gives it a slim, stylish design and makes it great for tradeshows and conventions. It's also reusable and a great alternative to plastic bags. Polypropylene is recyclable with #5 plastics, please check with your local municipalities for specific rules and regulations.


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Qté 450-1199 1200-2099 2100-2999 3000-3899 3900+
Prix (CAD) 2,59 $ 2,35 $ 2,10 $ 1,86 $ 1,62 $
Qté 450-1199 1200-2099 2100-2999 3000-3899 3900+
Prix (USD) 1,38 $ 1,28 $ 1,19 $ 1,10 $ 0,99 $

Options de produit
