Call of the wild water resistant 45l duffle backpack

Call of the wild water resistant 45l duffle backpack
Versatile rugged styling. With a main carry handle that converts to backpack straps, a water resistant accessory case that clips into 2 areas of the bag, 3 grab and go handles and clip-on loops perfect for attaching media and other devices, this duffle will be a valued travel companion.


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Qté 12-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250+
Prix (CAD) 90,00 $ 88,00 $ 85,00 $ 82,00 $ 80,00 $
Qté 12-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250+
Prix (USD) 80,00 $ 78,00 $ 75,00 $ 72,00 $ 70,00 $

Options de produit
