Call of the wild + clarity camping & glamping 4-piece kit

Call of the wild + clarity camping & glamping 4-piece kit
From daytripping, to snacking and trekking, to camping and glamping, Spector & co. Cares about your well-being and has partnered with ecotrail* to keep you safe.

Whether you are a nature enthusiast, an urban warrior, a nature lover or an adrenaline junkie, theres a Call of the Wild + Clarity bundle for you!

*ecotrail products are made without deet, gluten, gmo and synthetic ingredients.
*ecotrail products are not sold separately and cannot be decorated.

Kit includes:
Bg702 call of the wild water resistant 20l drybag
Hw907 ecotrail outdoor soap 3.5 oz / 100 g
Hw908 ecotrail deodorant 4 fl oz / 120 ml
Hw909 ecotrail shampoo / shower gel 8.4 fl oz / 250 ml


Estimation 100% gratuite et sans engagement.

1 ère étape

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Qté 15-34 35-74 75-119 120-209 210+
Prix (CAD) 78,25 $ 76,00 $ 72,00 $ 69,50 $ 66,00 $
Qté 15-34 35-74 75-119 120-209 210+
Prix (USD) 73,00 $ 71,00 $ 67,00 $ 64,00 $ 60,00 $

Options de produit
