Axel 3-in-1 ballpoint pen/stylus/phone holder

Axel 3-in-1 ballpoint pen/stylus/phone holder
Functionality compliments style in this chic 3-in-1 plastic matte metallic pen, stylus and phone holder with chrome clip and grip. Not content to simply write your words on paper or plan new adventures using the rubber stylus on your tablet, the Axel's cap also serves as a handy portable phone holder.


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Qté 350-749 750-1499 1500-3499 3500-7499 7500+
Prix (CAD) 1,45 $ 1,35 $ 1,25 $ 1,20 $ 1,15 $
Qté 350-749 750-1499 1500-3499 3500-7499 7500+
Prix (USD) 1,20 $ 1,15 $ 1,10 $ 1,05 $ 1,00 $

Options de produit
