Nori 3-in-1 ballpoint pen/highlighter/stylus

Nori 3-in-1 ballpoint pen/highlighter/stylus
If you're the kind of person who likes to do three things at once, you need a pen that keeps up with you! Meet the nori, the 3-in-1 pen, highlighter, and stylus. Don't miss a beat while you're working; the tip gives you the option to write with the pen or tap away on your tablet with the stylus. Flip it over to use the highlighter. Clip it to your shirt or clipboard, it'll keep up with you! Not to mention: neon is hot! The highlighter colors match the barrels except the black or white barrels have a yellow highlighter.


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Qté 200+
Prix (CAD) 1,09 $
Qté 250+
Prix (USD) 0,89 $

Options de produit
