Men's Custom Stone Ring

Men's Custom Stone Ring
Bringing concepts such as pride, belonging, endurance and achievement to life. Utilize our collection of the most popular stock ring designs and add your corporate or themed logo to make it "personally yours." The collection offers fourteen popular styles and in most cases the same ring top can be used for men's and ladies' rings, lapel pins, charms and cufflinks. For that extra "WOW" factor choose one of our two piece tops and add the sparkle of diamonds.

Color(s): Assorted

Price Includes: Blank
Die Charge: $500 (C)
Decoration Method: Custom

Production Time: 30 - 45 days

Packaging: Wooden Presentation Box

FOB: CA, L4W 2T7

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Qté 1 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 11 12+
Prix (CAD) 2873,00 $ 2829,91 $ 2815,54 $ 2786,81 $