Leather and Silver Round Coaster

Leather and Silver Round Coaster
Polished silver & leather coaster.

Color(s): Black/Silver

Price Includes: Blank
Setup Charge: $85 (C)

Production Time: 5 - 21 days

Packaging: Pouch & Gift Box

FOB: CA, L4W 2T7


Estimated 100% free and without obligation.

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  1. By clicking on the "ADD TO QUOTE" button, you create an estimate request to our sales department.

  2. With this application, you do not immediately buy the product or products included in the estimate.

  3. Enter the desired amount and then continue by clicking the "ADD TO QUOTE".
Qty 1 - 23 24 - 99 100 - 199 200+
Price (CAD) $ 24.75 $ 23.76 $ 23.02 $ 21.78